
If your company handles scheduled substances or produces DOC/PSF chemicals, you may have an obligation to send reports to SONS (SÚJB).

Report of past activities

The obligation to submit a report of past activities arises if the subject:

  • Handled any amount of schedule 1 substances,
  • Handled more than 100 kg of schedule 2 substances,
  • Handled more than 1 t of schedule 3 substances,
  • Produced more than 200 t of DOC or 30 t of PSF chemicals

within the previous calendar year. The report must be submitted by January 31st of the following year.

Report of planned activities

The obligation to submit a report of planned activities arises if the subject plans to:

  • Produce a schedule 1 chemical in any amount,
  • Produce, consume or process more than 100 kg of a schedule 2 substance,
  • Produce more than 1 t of a schedule 3 substance

within the upcoming calendar year. The report must be submitted by August 31st of the preceding year and updated should a change in plans occur.

Report of planned transfers of schedule 1 chemicals

The obligation to submit a report of planned activities arises solely if the subject intends to transfer a schedule 1 chemical in any amount.

  • If the transfer crosses the borders of Czechia, the transfer must be reported at least 40 days in advance.
  • If the transfer occurs within the borders of Czechia, the transfer must be reported before realization.

Report of protective purposes for which schedule 1 chemicals are being handled

If the subject handles schedule 1 chemicals for protective purposes, it has an obligation to submit a report about protective purposes each year by January 31st.

How to report

SONS has launched an electronic portal for submitting reports. It may be used to report past activities, planned activities and planned transfers. Registration through Czech governmental instruments is required. Visit the portal.

In case of difficulties, contact a CBWPD staff member. Paper forms may also be provided.