The emergency components
The emergency components of the monitoring network consist of
- mobile groups which monitor doses, dose rates and radionuclide concentrations in the field, take environmental samples, and distribute and replace the dosemeters in the thermoluminescent dosemeter networks;
- laboratory groups which take environmental samples, perform spectrometric and/or radiochemical analyses of the environmental samples for the purpose of determining radionuclide concentrations in these samples;
- aircraft survey equipment for monitoring doses, dose rates and radionuclide concentrations in the field;
- water contamination monitoring points which are provided with the equipment for the evaluation of radionuclide concentrations in water, river sediments, water macrophytes and fish samples;
- foodstuffs contamination monitoring points that are provided with the equipment for the evaluation of radionuclide concentrations in the food chain elements;
- monitoring points at the border crossings which are provided with the equipment to collect the data of dose rates and the radionuclide contamination of the persons, means of transport, goods, subjects and materials; and
- monitoring points at roadblocks which are provided with the equipment to collect the data of dose rates and radionuclide contamination of persons, means of transport, goods, subjects and materials on the boundary of the restricted areas and in the vicinity of the radiation accident site.