Czech delegation participated in a regular bilateral meeting with colleagues from Germany, held, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as a videoconference, on 7 October 2020. The bilateral meeting was organized in the framework of the intergovernmental agreement on exchange of information.
Mr. Thomas Elsner, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, led the bilateral meeting as the head of the German delegation. The Czech delegation was led by the Deputy Chairman, Head of the Section for Management and Technical Support, State Office for Nuclear Safety, Mr. Petr Krs. Both delegations comprised also representatives of other ministries, institutions and other experts.
The delegations informed each other of the latest development in the areas of nuclear safety, legislation, radioactive waste and spent fuel management (including the process of evaluation of potential sites for the Deep Geological Repository) and about the operation of nuclear facilities. The Czech delegation presented, among others, preparation of Nuclear New Build in the Czech Republic. Both delegations exchanged their experience concerning the pandemic of COVID-19.
The meeting was held in a friendly atmosphere and comprised lively discussion.