The Czech and German delegations met in Prague under the intergovernmental agreement on the exchange of information on 5 – 6 October 2021 for the 25th regular bilateral meeting. The meeting was presided by Mr. Z. Tipek, Director of the Nuclear Safety Section of the State Office for Nuclear Safety, who was appointed as the head of the Czech delegation. The German delegation was led by Mr. T. Elsner, representing the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The delegations included representatives of ministries, interested institutions and other experts in the field.
In particular, issues related to nuclear safety (including the operation and events at nuclear power plants), radiation protection, radioactive waste management and emergency preparedness and response were discussed. The Czech side presented, among other things, the current state of preparation for the nuclear new build in the Czech Republic and developments in the area of preparation of the plan for the construction of a deep geological repository. Current experience in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic by both regulators and licence holders has also been mentioned. The meeting ended with an excursion at the National Radiation Protection Institute, offering the opportunity to see, among other things, its specialized laboratories.
The meeting took place in a constructive atmosphere of exchanging views and information.