The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SUJB) organised several training sessions, called technical visits, for nuclear inspectors from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan as part of the IAEA programme. The aim of these visits was to pass on to the participants our knowledge gained from the long-term successful implementation of Safeguards in the Czech Republic.
The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) recently hosted several technical visits for participants from Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan. These technical visits took place in the framework of International Atomic Energy Agency’s Comprehensive Capacity-Building Initiative for SSACs and SRAs (COMPASS), which is supported by the Czech Republic under its Member State Support Programme to the IAEA Safeguards. SÚJB is, thanks to its decades-long experience with implementation of Safeguards, in an excellent position to share its knowledge and practices with other IAEA Member States.
The focus of these technical visits was not only on regulatory and procedural aspects of State system of accounting for and control of nuclear material (SSAC), but also included several in-field visits to demonstrate implementation of some of the SSAC elements in practice. These visits especially aimed on conduct of domestic safeguards inspections and nuclear material accountancy and control at national level and in the nuclear facilities, such as research reactors.
Based on feedback shared by participants during their visits, all technical visits hosted by SÚJB so far, were considered very informative and valuable.