
23.05.2017 17:25

A successful IRRS Follow-up mission to the Czech Republic

The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) hosted the international team of senior safety experts of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), who…

20.04.2017 20:03

Our work has not finished with completion of chemical weapons the destruction

This message sounded at the Conference “CWC yesterday, today…and tomorrow?” organised by the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) in cooperation…

25.11.2016 18:06

Bilateral meeting on nuclear safety issues between representatives of the Czech Republic and Austria

25th regular bilateral meeting of representatives of Czech and Austria institutions was held in period of 7-8 November 2016 in Mikulov.  The meeting…

16.11.2016 20:27

Bilateral Meeting of Nuclear Regulatory Bodies of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany

20th regular bilateral meeting of representatives of the Czech and Germany nuclear regulatory bodies was held in a period of 24 – 25 October 2016 in…

21.10.2016 21:15

Seminar about the Chemical Weapons Convention for Customs Administration

Seminar „Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) and cooperation between State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) and Customs Administration on the Chemicals´…

27.09.2016 18:18

The Czech Republic hosted participants of the OPCW Associate Programme

This year the Czech Republic was honoured to be for the fourth time a host country for the Industrial segment of the OPCW Associate Programme. Aim of…

12.09.2016 09:29

National Report of the Czech Republic under the Convention on Nucler Safety for the 7th Review Meeting has been published

The Convention on Nuclear Safety (CNS) was adopted in June 1994 and entered into force in October 1996. The objectives of the CNS are to achieve and…

11.08.2016 20:37

The new Atomic Act is adopted

The new Atomic Act has been published in the Collection of Laws as Act No. 263/2016 Coll. and distributed on 10th August 2016. New legal framework in…

06.06.2016 07:35

On the Contribuion of OPCW to the Global Security

The State Office for Nuclear Safety, the Population Protection Institute Lázně Bohdaneč and the OPCW co-organized Assistance and protection course for…

23.05.2016 12:20

Quadrilateral Meeting of Nuclear Regulatory Authorities of Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and the Czech Republic organized on 17 – 18 May 2016 in Hnanice in the Czech Republic

The quadripartite session of regulatory bodies of Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia and the Czech Republic took place on 17 to 18 May 2016 in Hnanice on the…

09.05.2016 08:38

Iranian Vice President Mr. Alí Akbar Sálehí visited SÚJB

The Vice President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Head of Iranian Atomic Energy Organization (AEO) Mr. Alí Akbar Sálehí was on the official…

09.11.2015 12:34

Workshop on Diagnostics of Properties Joints in NPP Temelín

The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) organized the workshop on Diagnostics of Properties of Welded Joint 1-4-5 in NPP Temelín. The workshop was…

14.09.2015 22:32

Scientific Visit on National Legal and Regulatory Framework in Czech Republic

The State Office for Nuclear Safety organized a three day scientific visit on National Legal and Regulatory Framework in the Czech Republic for 9…

24.08.2015 17:20

Internal steam generator leak at Temelín NPP (Update)

On 26 June at 2:27 am, during the preparation of power reactor start-up of Unit 2 after the fuel loading, leakage between the primary and secondary…

06.08.2015 16:40

New State Party of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

Myanmar became the 191st State Party of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW). Although Myanmar was among the first…