Inspection performance
The important part of nuclear safety supervision is inspection performance. The objective is to check if regulated subjects observe all Atomic Act requirements together with SÚJB requirements that are results of decision making process. Inspection activities of SÚJB are performed by nuclear safety inspectors or radiation protection inspectors in majority focused on nuclear facilities or activities related to nuclear safety (definitions are stated in Atomic Act).
Nuclear safety inspectors are appointed by SÚJB chairman and are centralized in headquarter in Prague. Two special groups of site inspectors are located in NPP sites in Dukovany and Temelín. Inspection activities are organized and planned according to facilities operation schedules and previous results.
Inspection are performed or as specialized - focused on one system, component or category, or routine - the day-by-day walks through NPP. Group of specialized inspections are organized in case of restart reactor to criticality. Every year there are pursued several inspections according to the actual situation (special needs for non-compliances or accident investigation, administrative requirements, unplanned operational or project changes, etc.). All inspections are sorted into categories. The planned inspections are listed in half-annual plans that are approved by SÚJB management.