Temelín NPP
Two units with the VVER 1000 reactors of the type 320 are operated at Temelín NPP. An administrative procedure, during which ČEZ, a.s. gradually submitted many prescribed and required documents for issue of the operational license for Unit 1 and 2, was completed in October 2004. In the decisions on permit to operate both units SÚJB defined several conditions with permanent validity, of which performance is the assumption for obtaining the surveillance of the sufficient, in some cases also above standard, appraisal of assuring the nuclear safety requirements. This is the question especially of a periodical assessment of operational safety, regular presentation of Safety Report up-dates, update of emergency procedures and a permanent probabilistic safety assessment and update of the study of Probabilistic Safety Assessment (PSA).
For more information about the Temelín NPP please refer to web pages of its operator, energy company ČEZ, a.s.
The operation of all units is planned including shut down every year. The outages for required maintenance and refueling of quarter of core are performed under SÚJB supervision. Non-planed outages or temporary power reduction are performed if necessary when event or component failure occurs. Power reductions due to lower output necessity are also accepted. Year by year SÚJB follows course of operation and records all data as follows:
Reports on Temelín NPP