Spent Fuel Storage Facility Temelín
The construction of Spent fuel storage facility Temelín (SFSF Temelín) follows the Government Decree No. 121/1997 of 5 March, 1997 in which the Czech Government recommended to build SF storage facilities at the sites of the operated NPPs. The advantage of this solution is elimination of SF transport outside the NPP site and utilization of the existing NPP sites without having to intervene into intact landscape. The development of SFSF in Temelín also follows the Czech Government resolution No. 487/2002, which approved the Policy for SF and RAW management. Spent fuel is stored in dry, dual-purpose casks of CASTOR 1000/19, ŠKODA 1000/19 and ŠKODA 1000/19M types. The design capacity of SFSF Temelín is 1370 t HM.
The following key steps have been taken in connection with the development of SFSF Temelín:
- announcement of the plan to site SFSF on the NPP Temelín site to the Ministery of Environment (July 2003),
- development of EIA documents for SFSF Temelín and submission of them to the Ministery of Environment (July 2004),
- development and submittal for review of documents in agreement with EC recommendation 1999/829/Euratom on implementation of Article 37 of Euratom Treaty (February 2005),
- development of the Initial Safety Report in agreement with the requirements of the Atomic Act in connection with the application for siting license and submission of them to the SÚJB (February 2005),
- development of EIA documents for SFSF Temelín and submitssion of them to Ministery of Environment (2nd quarter of 2005),
- public discussion on the environmental effects of the SFSF Temelín (24 August 2005),
- MŽP ČR issued a concurring opinion (23 November 2005),
- European Commission issued a concurring opinion related to the plan of RAW disposal in connection with local adjustments at NPP Temelin in the Czech Republic in compliance with the EURATOM Agreement, Article 37 ( 24 November 2005),
- SÚJB issued an authorisation for the company ČEZ to site a SFSF on the proposed land ( 29 December 2005),
- Regional authority of South Bohemia issued a zoning and planning decision to place the construction “Spent fuel storage facility on the NPP Temelin site” (25 October 2006), which was canceled by the Ministry for Regional Development and returned for new hearing,
- cask supplier competition started for the initial period of operation of SFSF Temelin and the company GNS mbH was selected (December 2006),
- issue of the planning permit by the Regional authority of South Bohemia to place the construction “Spent fuel storage facility on the NPP Temelin site” (24 August 2007), which was canceled by the Ministry for Regional Development and returned for new hearing,
- development of a Preliminary Safety Report in connection with the application for a license for construction of SFSF Temelín (January 2008),
- continuation of planning permit process (8 April 2008),
- Regional authority of South Bohemia issued a zoning and planning decision to place the construction “Spent fuel storage facility on the NPP Temelin site” (14 April 2008),
- acknowledgement of the authorization of the Regional authority of South Bohemia to issue a zoning and planning decision to place the construction “Spent fuel storage facility on the NPP Temelin site” and rejection of appeals of NGOs by the Ministry for Regional Development (18 July 2008),
- issue of a license by SÚJB to construct SFSF Temelín in the NPP Temelín site (20 August 2008),
- issue of construction permit by the Ministry of Industry and Trade (11 November 2008) and rejection of appeals of NGOs ("Jihočeské matky , o. s." and "V havarijní zóně jaderné elektrárny Temelín") (12 February 2009),
- start of SFSF Temelín construction (March 2009),
- issue of commissioning license by SÚJB (3 August 2010),
- trial operation of SFSF Temelín started on 9 September 2010 by placing of the first loaded cask into the storage hall,
- issue of operational licence of SFSF Temelín by SÚJB (December 2011).
CASTOR 1000/19 cask was licensed for railway transports and storage of spent fuel from VVER-1000 reactors by the SÚJB license No. SÚJB/ONRV/15338/2010 on 21 June 2010, as amended by the SÚJB decision No. SÚJB/ONRV/17752/2010 from 23 July 2010. After a 10-year period of validity, this decision was replaced by another decision of the SÚJB on type-approval no. SÚJB/ONRV/7261/2012 of 25 May 2012 with effect for a further 10 years of operation of the SFSF Temelín. New designs of ŠKODA1000/19 and ŠKODA 1000/19M packages were approved for the transport and storage of new types of spent fuel by the SÚJB type-approval decisions.