State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) issued today a permit for continued operation of Unit 1 of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1 (f) of the Act No 263/2016, Atomic Act.
Before issuing the permit, the SÚJB inspectors and TSO experts evaluated more than 163 000 pages of supporting documents. They also checked the condition of the NPP Temelín during more than 200 inspections carried out by the SÚJB inspectors in 2018 – 2020. The inspectors spent more than 20,000 hours by carrying out these inspections. Neither the evaluation nor inspections revealed any facts that would prevent issuance of the permit.
The Office issued the permit on the basis of application submitted by ČEZ a. s. on 25 March 2020. As it comes into force, the permit will be published on the SÚJB website (
Update: The applicant for the operating permit (ČEZ, a.s.) has vaiwed the right to appeal and so the permit has become final. Czech version available.