On 26 May 2022, the State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB) issued a permit for continued operation of Unit 2 of Temelín Nuclear Power Plant in accordance with Article 9, paragraph 1 (f) of the Act No 263/2016, Atomic Act
The Office issued the permit based on application submitted by ČEZ a. s. on 30 November 2021. The scope of documentation that was evaluated before issuing the permit corresponded to the scope of documentation submitted by the ČEZ, a. s. for the purpose of Unit 1 permit for continued operation in 2020 (https://sujb.gov.cz/en/news/detail/sujb-issued-a-permit-for-continued-operation-of-npp-temelin-unit-1). As in the previous case, the evaluation did not reveal any facts that would prevent the issuance of the permit.
The permit will be published on the SÚJB website (www.sujb.cz) as it comes into force.
Update 31. 5. 2022
The permit entered into force and therefore, SÚJB publishes it.