
11.09.2013 10:31

The Czech Chemical Industry’s participation in the 14th Annual Associate Programme

In cooperation with several member states to the Chemical Weapons Convention, including the Czech Republic, the OPCW commenced the 14th edition of its…

09.08.2013 15:33

Training of the safeguards IAEA inspectors successfully accomplished

The training course CIE (Comprehensive Inspection Exercise), organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which closed several months…

30.05.2013 11:12

Advanced Practical Training Course on Assistance and Protection Against Chemical Weapons for East African Countries Held in Czech Republic

27 May 2013

The State Office for Nuclear Safety (SÚJB/SONS), the General Directorate of the Fire Rescue Services of the Czech Republic and the OPCW…

19.04.2013 10:53

Second transport of spent fuel from the Czech Republic to Russia

The second spent fuel shipment from the research reactor LVR-15, operated by the Research Centre Řež, s. r. o., to the Russian Federation for…

20.03.2013 15:12

Large-Scale Emergency Exercise „ZONE 2013“ is Taking Place Next Week

The long planned large-scale emergency exercise called ZONE 2013 is taking place at the Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant on 26 – 28 March 2013.

02.01.2013 15:24

Post-Fukushima National Action Plan Released

On 31 December 2012, the SÚJB submitted to the European Commission the „Post Fukushima National Action Plan on Strengthening Nuclear Safety of Nuclear…

20.02.2012 20:46

SÚJB turns 20!

On the occasion of our recent 20th anniversary, we have prepared for you the following article outlining the main features of the State Office for…

20.02.2012 20:35

The Czech Republic and the Nuclear Suppliers Group

The Czech Republic is a Party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) and a member of international control regimes supporting…

20.02.2012 00:00

Safeguards in the Czech Republic