Seznam akcí v zahraničí

International Training Course on State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material

Místo konání:Oak Ridge
Stát:TN, USA
Datum konání:12.05.2025 - 23.05.2025
Popis:The course will provide participants with practical training in the establishment and maintenance of an effective state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material to satisfy both national and IAEA safeguards requirements.
Účastníci:The course will provide participants with practical training in the establishment and maintenance of an effective state system of accounting for and control of nuclear material to satisfy both national and IAEA safeguards requirements.
Poznámka:Přihlášky v příloze
Uzávěrka SÚJB:27.09.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2404553 inv.pdf
2404553 encl.pdf
A_Participation form_sanitized_.rtf
C_Grant Application Form_sanitized_.rtf
Nomination Form English_sanitized_.doc

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