Seznam akcí v zahraničí
Training Workshop on Techniques and Technologies for Characterization to Support Environmental Remediation
Projekt: | EVT2404134 |
Organizátor: | IAEA |
Místo konání: | Vienna |
Stát: | Austria |
Datum konání: | 04.08.2025 - 08.08.2025 |
Popis: | The purpose of the event is to increase Member States’ technical understanding and knowledge of techniques and technologies for the characterization of contaminated land, and to promote good practices in this area. |
Účastníci: | This introductory training workshop is designed for individuals involved in the radiological characterization, monitoring and remediation of radioactively contaminated land. The course is particularly applicable to early career practitioners, scientists and technicians carrying out radiological characterization and groundwater monitoring activities and trainees pursuing a career within the field of radioactively contaminated land management. |
Poznámka: | Přihlášení přes Intouch |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 23.05.2025 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ano, formulář: žádný |
Další informace |
2404134 inv.pdf 2404134 encl.pdf |
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