Seznam akcí v zahraničí
KINS-KAIST International Nuclear and Radiation Safety Master’s Degree Program
Organizátor: | KINS/KAIST |
Místo konání: | Daejeon |
Stát: | Republic of Korea |
Datum konání: | 01.09.2025 - 15.12.2026 |
Popis: | The “KINS-KAIST International Nuclear and Radiation Safety Master’s Degree Program” is designed to educate high-caliber overseas young professionals working in the fields of nuclear and radiation safety primarily for regulation. The ultimate goal of the program is as below: Educate safety policy leaders to establish and develop nuclear safety infrastructure Educate high-level nuclear regulators to carry out regulatory reviews and inspections for nuclear facilities Educate qualified radiation regulators to ensure safety in radiation use of industrial, medical and research areas Train safety experts to perform safety R&D and to solve technical safety matters. |
Účastníci: | This program is open to any countries having high interests in cultivating nuclear and radiation safety experts and regulators. To apply for the scholarship of KINS-KAIST International Nuclear and Radiation Safety Master’s Degree Program, applicants must: • hold a Bachelor’s degree (or its equivalents), • work for government or nuclear related institutions operated by government, and • be recommended by his/her government or current institution being operated by the government. |
Poznámka: | Applicants should visit the KAIST International Admission website ( The online application for 2025 fall semester (regular track) will be activated during 4 March (10 a.m.) ~ 25 March (5 p.m.), 2025. |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 18.03.2025 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ne |
Další informace |
2025 KINS-KAIST Program Announcement fin..docx |
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