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Regional Workshop on the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC)

Místo konání:Vilnius
Datum konání:10.12.2024 - 13.12.2024
Popis:The purpose of the event is to provide information on the CSC, its role in establishing a global nuclear liability regime as called for by the IAEA General Conference and its relevance and benefits to the Member States proposed to be invited to the event. The event will address the needs of decision-makers, policy-makers and senior officials (from Member States with and without nuclear installations), as well as other officials including those engaged in the regulation and implementation of nuclear activities. Moreover, the event will provide a comprehensive high-level overview of the considerations underlying the field of civil liability for nuclear damage, the CSC, the Global Nuclear Liability Regime and the other international nuclear liability instruments adopted under the auspices of the IAEA.
Účastníci:The workshop is open to Government officials and other stakeholders with a legal background and with the following profiles: 1. senior level Government officials including policy-makers and decision makers who will have a role in the consideration of the country’s adherence to international nuclear instruments adopted under the IAEA’s auspices, including in particular, the CSC; or 2. Government officials including legal advisors or a legal expert of a regulatory body or another institution who have been or will be involved in the consideration of joining the nuclear instruments, including, in particular, the CSC and/or assessing, drafting, and/or advising on legislation on nuclear liability; or 3. senior level representatives from relevant stakeholders (e.g. operators of nuclear installations) who have been or will be involved in the consideration of joining the CSC and/or assessing, drafting, and/or advising on legislation on nuclear liability.
Poznámka:Posunuto na rok 2025, termín bude upřesněn
Uzávěrka SÚJB:04.11.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2405651 inv.pdf
2405651 encl.pdf

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