Seznam akcí v zahraničí

Training Workshop on Non- Destructive Examination, In-Service Inspection and Online Monitoring for Research Reactors

Místo konání:Vienna
Datum konání:04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024
Popis:The purpose of the event is to provide training on Non-destructive Examination methodologies and techniques, insight on In-service Inspections and On-line monitoring practices for research reactors.
Účastníci:The workshop is aimed at the technical personnel who are involved in NDE, ISI and OLM, for the research reactor facilities. Member States are strongly encouraged to identify suitable women participants.
Poznámka:Přihlášení přes Intouch
Uzávěrka SÚJB:30.08.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2202277 inv.pdf
2202277 inf.pdf

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