Seznam akcí v zahraničí
International Training Course on Control of Nuclear Material in Use, Storage and Movement
Projekt: | EVT2305409 |
Organizátor: | IAEA |
Místo konání: | Budapest |
Stát: | Hungary |
Datum konání: | 04.11.2024 - 08.11.2024 |
Popis: | This course aims to provide assistance to Member States in the establishment of a proper nuclear material accounting and control (NMAC) system for nuclear security purposes in order to mitigate the threat posed by malicious insiders. The course will focus on the measures that underlie the evaluation of domestic NMAC techniques to ensure accounting for and control of all nuclear material in facilities. To provide participants with basic knowledge and skills related to the control aspects of NMAC identified in the IAEA Nuclear Security Series 32-T (Technical Guidance), which are used to provide timely detection and thus mitigate the threat posed by malicious insiders. The document describes the elements of a nuclear security programme that can be implemented at a nuclear facility, in coordination with the physical protection system, for the purpose of deterring and detecting the unauthorized removal of nuclear material. This course will cover the implementation of measures to control nuclear material, associated equipment and data. |
Účastníci: | The course is intended for participants from IAEA Member States that have at least one nuclear power plant or research reactor in operation or have active projects to develop such facilities. Designated participants should include staff responsible for designing, operating and/or assessing nuclear security systems, including NMAC components, physical protection of nuclear facilities, and nuclear security management and staff; operators and managers of NMAC systems; those preparing associated regulations; staff responsible for computer security at nuclear facilities; and staff from the competent authorities and related law enforcement agencies. |
Poznámka: | InTouch |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 26.08.2024 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ano, formulář: žádný |
Další informace |
EVR2305409 Information Sheet.pdf 2305409 inv.pdf |
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