Seznam akcí v zahraničí

International Training Course on Regulatory Functions for the Security of Nuclear Material, Nuclear Facilities and Associated Activities

Místo konání:Seibersdorf
Datum konání:04.11.2024 - 15.11.2024
Popis:The purpose of the event is to enhance the participants' understanding of regulatory approaches, processes and functions for the security of nuclear material, nuclear facilities and associated activities.
Účastníci:Staff from the regulatory bodies, other competent authorities or organizations responsible for performing or supporting regulatory functions related to the security for nuclear material, nuclear facilities and associated activities.
Poznámka:Přihlášení přes Intouch
Uzávěrka SÚJB:06.09.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2305733 inv.pdf
2305733 encl.pdf

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