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Training Workshop on the Development of Severe Accident Management Guidelines Using the IAEA’s Severe Accident Management Guideline Development Toolkit
Projekt: | EVT2303855 |
Organizátor: | IAEA |
Místo konání: | Vienna |
Stát: | Austria |
Datum konání: | 02.12.2024 - 06.12.2024 |
Popis: | In responding to the IAEA Action Plan on Nuclear Safety, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) developed the Severe Accident Management Guideline Development (SAMG-D) Toolkit as an education and training tool in the context of severe accidents and associated procedures and guidelines. The SAMG-D Toolkit mirrors the elements of a full package of SAMGs applicable to light water reactors and pressurized heavy water reactors. The Toolkit is not intended to be used to independently construct a full SAMG package. Instead, it is designed to support capacity development in newcomer Member States and as a refresher tool for Member States with an established SAMG programme. Starting in 2015, training workshops on the development of SAMGs using the IAEA’s SAMG-D Toolkit have been organized annually by the IAEA with the goal of supporting and assisting Member States in understanding, developing and establishing their SAMG programmes to enhance the nuclear safety knowledge, expertise and competence related to SAMGs. This eighth training workshop will provide an overview of the IAEA’s SAMG-D Toolkit and will provide a forum for information exchange on the tasks and responsibilities involved in implementing and executing SAMGs. This edition will also include practical sessions allowing participants to actively try different strategies and understand their possible impact when developing SAMGs. Additionally, the IAEA’s SAMG-D Toolkit will be demonstrated during the workshop. |
Účastníci: | The event is open to representatives of nuclear power organizations from Member States with an active nuclear power programme, including from embarking countries that have undertaken activities to implement their first nuclear power plant, and Member States with extensive expertise in the topics covered by the event. It includes government organizations (policymakers, analysts, regulatory bodies and research and development agencies), and industry (vendors, engineering companies, plant operators and technology developers). |
Poznámka: | InTouch - download the IAEA SAMG-D toolkit prior to the training workshop and familiarize themselves with its contents |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 24.08.2024 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ano, formulář: žádný |
Další informace |
24-02508E Information Sheet.pdf 24-02508E Invitation Letter.pdf |
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