Seznam akcí v zahraničí

Technical Meeting on Role of Neutron Analytical Techniques in Socioeconomic Development

Místo konání:Vienna
Datum konání:22.04.2025 - 25.04.2025
Popis:The purpose of the event is to review the current status and new trends of neutron analytical techniques and assess their role in socioeconomic development.
Účastníci:The meeting is intended for individuals from research reactor- and accelerator-based neutron source operating organizations which are involved in the development and utilization of neutron analytical techniques, and therefore involved in analysis of socio-economic impact of nuclear technologies. Member States are invited to designate one or more participants for this meeting. Member States are strongly encouraged to identify suitable women participants.
Poznámka:Přihlášení přes Intouch
Uzávěrka SÚJB:13.02.2025
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Další informace 2404499 inv.pdf
2404499 encl.pdf

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