Seznam akcí v zahraničí
Workshop to Exchange Experience on Energy System Modelling for Planning
Projekt: | EVT2404973 |
Organizátor: | IAEA |
Místo konání: | Zagreb |
Stát: | Croatia |
Datum konání: | 14.04.2025 - 17.04.2025 |
Popis: | The purpose of the event is to facilitate the exchange of experience among Member States regarding the use of the IAEA's tools forenergy planning and analysis. |
Účastníci: | Member States are invited to designate one participant for this workshop who has specialized knowledge of, or experience in, contemporary energy issues, as well as adequate skills in the use of the IAEA’s energy planning models. Each participant is expected to give a presentation lasting 30-45 minutes to share his/her country’s experience in analysing energy issues with the help of modelling tools. Member States are strongly encouraged to identify suitable women participants. |
Poznámka: | Přihlášení přes Intouch |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 05.03.2025 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ano, formulář: žádný |
Další informace |
2404973 inv.pdf 2404973 encl.pdf |
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