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Joint IAEA–Argonne National Laboratory Training Activity on Implementation of Dosimetry Codes of Practice for Absorbed Dose Determination in External Beams (Technical Reports Series No. 398 (Rev.1)) and Brachytherapy (Technical Reports Series No. 492)

Místo konání:Houston
Stát:TX, USA
Datum konání:02.12.2024 - 07.12.2024
Popis:The purpose of the event is to provide the participants with theoretical and practical information on the implementation of Technical Reports Series No. 398 (Rev. 1) and Technical Reports Series No. 492.
Účastníci:The first intended audience for this training is scientists working as radiation metrologists, physicists or technicians in a Secondary Standards Dosimetry Laboratory with a background in radiation dosimetry. The candidates should be involved in performing calibrations for brachytherapy. The second intended audience is a qualified medical physicist working in a hospital that is already treating patients in HDR.
Poznámka:Přihlášky v příloze
Uzávěrka SÚJB:31.05.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2402084 inv.pdf
2402084 inf.pdf

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