Seznam akcí v zahraničí

Technical Meeting on Topical Issues in the Development of Nuclear Power Infrastructure

Místo konání:Vienna
Datum konání:11.03.2025 - 14.03.2025
Popis:The purpose of the event is to provide a platform for senior officials and managers from nuclear energy programme implementing organizations, regulatory bodies and nuclear power plant owner/operating organizations to meet and discuss infrastructure development issues.
Účastníci:Participants are expected to be at a senior level in the government, future owner or operating organizations, regulatory bodies or other institutions involved in the nuclear power programme. They should be knowledgeable about the details of their country’s national strategy and specific plans for implementation of nuclear power programme, and authorized to describe and discuss in depth the experience and lessons learned in the infrastructure implementation processes.
Poznámka:Přihlášení přes Intouch
Uzávěrka SÚJB:13.12.2024
Nominace SÚJB nutná?Ano, formulář: žádný
Další informace 2402481 inv.pdf
2402481 encl.pdf

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