Seznam akcí v zahraničí
Technical Meeting of the International Low Level Waste Disposal Network (DISPONET) on Lessons Learned from the Disposal of Low Level Waste
Projekt: | EVT2304436 |
Organizátor: | IAEA |
Místo konání: | Ottawa/virtually |
Stát: | Canada/virtually |
Datum konání: | 18.11.2024 - 22.11.2024 |
Popis: | The purpose of the event is to facilitate the exchange of information and to foster discussion among members of DISPONET with respect to recent experiences, good practices and lessons learned in the disposal of low level waste. The event will have a technical focus on site characterization for low level waste disposal facilities. |
Účastníci: | The meeting is targeted to representatives of organizations substantially contributing to sharing experience in the Disposal of Low-Level Waste. |
Poznámka: | Přihlášení přes Intouch |
Uzávěrka SÚJB: | 30.08.2024 |
Nominace SÚJB nutná? | Ano, formulář: žádný |
Další informace |
2304436 inv.pdf 2304436 encl.pdf |
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